the sign is a a road sign pointing us in a certain direction or even the way that someone comes across in a photograph via their use of body language. Signs and semiotics are everywhere. When it comes to the art of Photography practise, semiotics is something that is used deeply and informatively when it comes in informing our practise of the subject.
How do images and words when it comes to signs, convey their meaning to different people?

The example to the left of a toilet sign is an example of how men and woman are represented in British society. The context of the sign is completely understandable due to what the man and woman are wearing.
When it come's to Semiotics there is a range of differences which once thought over, can be much easier to understand. It is also a lot easier to apply your knowledge of the basic's of Semiotics as well in everyday situations.
What I learnt from a recent lecture regarding Semiotics, was that Semiotics can be seen in one of two ways. Through the term "Signify and Signified".
This term can be used as a example when looking at how something such as traffic lights can be operated. When the box is lit up with a green or red icon then that would count as a signifier whereas the term Signified meaning what we learn from the sign or instruction.
It is interesting to think that in reality we are actually guided everyday of our lives more than we think.
One perfect example of a great use of Semiotics is in the music video "Hurt" by Johnny Cash. What was so interesting how interpreting how this music video connect with Semiotics was watching it twice over in two different ways. The first one being with no audio and the second being with the audio being played. After watching the video a second time with full audio, I found and discovered a lot more about how the themes and symbolic elements of the video came to forefront and helped to deliver an impact full meaning behind the context of the video.

In terms of Photography in general. When it comes to looking into Photographers who are good examples and representatives of how Semiotics is well used within their work. Look no further than Jeff Wall and Gregory Crewdson. Both Gregory Crewdson and Jeff Wall are both Photographers who completely stage their images to tell some form of story. Us the viewers have to look at their images in great length and try to scrutinise the tiny gestures, signs among other other things that both Photographers use.
Image Resources
- Jeff Wall image: WALL, J. et al., 2007.Jeff Wall. Musuem of Modern Art.Avaliable online from:
- Gregory Crewdson Image:
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